Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Home away from... you know

Jim and I are not really settling in here, although we say we are. For those that know us personally, you know where we are and why we aren't home. The Army... need I say more. Jess said I should start this thing but I have NO idea what I am doing. So, please forgive the mistakes - which I am sure you will find.

Our faith is the most important thing in our lives, it has kept us through times that could have scarred us for life. But we have made it this far together - it will be 23 years in March. God has been good to us. We love our family and will not stop talking about our granddaughters - we miss them so very much!! Well thats it for the first time through. Hope I didn't bore you too much!!!

Consider yourself truly blessed... and you will be...

1 comment:

Jessica-Marie said...

It's about time!
I will add your URL link to my page now too and you can do the same with mine.
If you don't know how to do that, you just go to customize and add page element. One of the page elements is friends link or something and then you just type in my URL and the name you give me and WHAM!
Or, I can show you when you come home for Thanksgiving.
That way everyone that sees your page can link to mine too!
We love you mom and will see you soon!