Sunday, November 30, 2008

Very Grateful Thanksgiving!

Wow! The trip to Woodlawn seemed forever in coming - now it is done. Jim and I left Missouri after I got off work on Wednesday. We pulled into our home before 2300 (that's 11pm for you civilian types). The next day we got to see all the kids (Jess and her munchkins) and Jim's folks made it up for the meal. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It was great to see all those faces and to hugs those little ones. I knew before we left Missouri that I was really missing them, but I didn't realize how much! It tore me up to say good-bye to them yesterday.

It is only a 6-7 hour drive so we will be making it again in about two months. That is about all we can do it, since I have to take vacation time in order to go. I don't have any of that accumulated right now!

If God wills it, Jess, Jacky, Jared and the girls will be here for Christmas. That will be so much fun for us! I am really looking forward to it. Even Jim, who doesn't really like all the muss and fuss that goes with Christmas, is looking forward to having the whole family here.

Well this ends my latest blog. I hope there is someone out there who reads this, if not, well, at least I have some place to write this stuff down!!

Have a truly blessed week!!!
The Mama.


Jessica-Marie said...

It was wonderful having you and Dad here! The girls are still asking to go see Grammy and Pappy almost everyday! Haha
We are extremely excited about coming over for Christmas!
I love you mom and I read your blog! haha

Mrs. M said...

Thanks Jess. It is nice to know someone reads it besides me! LOL