Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Blessings

Thank You Lord! What a true blessing! On the 23rd of December, Jacky, Jess, Jared and three little girls drove here to Missouri to spend the Christmas holiday with us! We have loved having a full house!! The ringing of laughter from little girls is one of the most wonderful sounds there is!! Although money was tight for all of us, each of those little ones certainly felt the love that was given. From coloring at the table to exploring Ft. Leonard Wood, we have shared alot these past 6 days! And we have taken MANY pictures. Right now, everyone is down for a nap - and after nap we will all gather around the Christmas tree and take pictures. We are praying that the pictures will come out good so that we can make copies of them for folks. I will post some of them on here when we get finished taking pictures.

Our prayer is that all will feel the love of the season, the joy of family and the hopefulness of a new year!! May God richly bless each of you!!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Watching and waiting. That seems to be the set for these days. We watch to see what the weather will do and then wait to see if we have work or not. Heavy winds have been pounding us for the past two days and now we have downpour - which is supposed to turn into ice. yipee.

Our prayers are that the weather will even out before next week - God willing that is when the kids are heading here for Christmas. I am sooo looking forward to a full house!! Miss all the noise of kids. Just Jim, me and Girlie - well we don't make much noise.

Our Christmas prayer is that all who travel will find warm happy homes waiting for them at the end of their journey; that all who wish to travel, but can't, may still have joy in their hearts as they recall Christmas memories and plan for Christmas futures; and that all who celebrate this most holy season truly take the time to remember why they are celebrating.

May your trees be bright, your hot cocoa just right and your family be blessed!!

The Masseys

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Very Grateful Thanksgiving!

Wow! The trip to Woodlawn seemed forever in coming - now it is done. Jim and I left Missouri after I got off work on Wednesday. We pulled into our home before 2300 (that's 11pm for you civilian types). The next day we got to see all the kids (Jess and her munchkins) and Jim's folks made it up for the meal. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It was great to see all those faces and to hugs those little ones. I knew before we left Missouri that I was really missing them, but I didn't realize how much! It tore me up to say good-bye to them yesterday.

It is only a 6-7 hour drive so we will be making it again in about two months. That is about all we can do it, since I have to take vacation time in order to go. I don't have any of that accumulated right now!

If God wills it, Jess, Jacky, Jared and the girls will be here for Christmas. That will be so much fun for us! I am really looking forward to it. Even Jim, who doesn't really like all the muss and fuss that goes with Christmas, is looking forward to having the whole family here.

Well this ends my latest blog. I hope there is someone out there who reads this, if not, well, at least I have some place to write this stuff down!!

Have a truly blessed week!!!
The Mama.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Since this is my first attempt at anything like this, I will be adding things as I go. Jess is going to help, thanks.

Did want to say that we are so proud of our son-in-law Jared. For those that know him, he graduated from Basic Training a few weeks ago and is now at his school. This was a big step for him, because we know that all military members could possibly end up in Iraq or Afghanistan. It was a big step for his family as well. So, I ask that you keep them in your prayers. Jared, if you read this, know that we are very proud of you. And that we will do all we can to help you and your family adjust. Just wish we were I know you do!!!

Jared has helped Jim - I mean for years Jim has been overrun with females (me, two daughters and even the cat and dog are female!! LOL). So having Jared around has helped ease that somewhat - of course, Jess having three daughters has kinda stacked the deck against the two guys!!!

Love ya Jared!! Take care.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Home away from... you know

Jim and I are not really settling in here, although we say we are. For those that know us personally, you know where we are and why we aren't home. The Army... need I say more. Jess said I should start this thing but I have NO idea what I am doing. So, please forgive the mistakes - which I am sure you will find.

Our faith is the most important thing in our lives, it has kept us through times that could have scarred us for life. But we have made it this far together - it will be 23 years in March. God has been good to us. We love our family and will not stop talking about our granddaughters - we miss them so very much!! Well thats it for the first time through. Hope I didn't bore you too much!!!

Consider yourself truly blessed... and you will be...