Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Blessings

Thank You Lord! What a true blessing! On the 23rd of December, Jacky, Jess, Jared and three little girls drove here to Missouri to spend the Christmas holiday with us! We have loved having a full house!! The ringing of laughter from little girls is one of the most wonderful sounds there is!! Although money was tight for all of us, each of those little ones certainly felt the love that was given. From coloring at the table to exploring Ft. Leonard Wood, we have shared alot these past 6 days! And we have taken MANY pictures. Right now, everyone is down for a nap - and after nap we will all gather around the Christmas tree and take pictures. We are praying that the pictures will come out good so that we can make copies of them for folks. I will post some of them on here when we get finished taking pictures.

Our prayer is that all will feel the love of the season, the joy of family and the hopefulness of a new year!! May God richly bless each of you!!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!!


Jessica-Marie said...

Thanks so much for having us Mom, though I know it was no bother to you at all! haha
I am going to post some of the pictures too, in about a hour when they all finish downloading!
We are so glad that we were able to make it over there and can't wait to see ya'll again in a month or so!
Love you!

Mrs. M said...

Well, you are more than welcome. But I need to say Thank you to you for disrupting your family time to come over here. We really enjoyed it! We are missing everyone already but we know, due to circumstances, that we may be home sooner than expected. It is in God's Hands... the safest place I can think of!!!!

Jessica-Marie said...

Time for a new blog post mom! lol
We are planning on heading to Texas this summer, around the middle of June...if money/jobs permit anyway.
When this happens we are planning on stopping there either on the way there or back (not sure yet)... once again, if money/jobs permit! If we can't come by then, then depending on when ya'll are coming home, we will head down around the first of August.
End of April, though not too far away, seems a lifetime!
We miss you!!!!
Crazy monster hugs for you and Dad from the girls!!!And regular hugs from me and Jared (lol)
Love you