Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring Time in Missouri

Well here we are, still in Missouri. The way it is looking we will be back in Tennessee sometime the first of the school year. Don't expect to get there before then. Jim is going through a MEB (Medical Evaluation Board for those that don't know the term) - this is his second one in as many years. This one will definitely be his last though. There is no doubt in our minds that he will be medically discharged this time.

I have been home only one time since we got here last October. I miss it and everyone there so much. I love my job here though so leaving that will be a real bummer. It is very fast paced and constantly busy - which keeps me from getting bored. I also started my progress towards my Master's Degree in Human Resource Management - on line of course. Thus far I am into my 8th week of my first course. Doing okay for not having been in school in over 17 years! And I am enjoying the learning.

Well that brings you up on Jim and me, Jacky is with us too. She is Dad's Care-taker. She drives him to his appointments and goes in with him to most of them as she is his memory and secretary as well. She has really been a God-send for us.

I miss my girls back in Tennessee - they are even living in my house. Yet I haven't seen them since the first of February. If we get a better idea as to when we will be heading home we might take a long weekend and go home. I want to see my house, my dog and my girls - not necessarily in that order.

God hasn't let go of us yet - don't expect Him to ever let go. That keeps us going. Even in the confusion of this MEB and such we trust God to put us where He wants us.

Have a truly blessed day!!
Mom/Mrs. M./Jennifer


Jessica-Marie said...

I am so glad you were finally able to come home and visit Mom!
It was great having you here! The girls miss you all already! Well, we do too of course! lol
I know that it comes as a mixed blessing, but I am glad you will be home soon for good... it's just too crazy having you all away from us so much!
We love you!
Oh, hehehehe, go check out my new profile!

Jessica-Marie said...

Alright Ma... it's been 4 months since you posted something. You could post a little something about how you get to come here for the baby shower and how you finally have a grandSON on the way or something! lol Just thought I would remind you! Love you! See you in a little over a week!